How do I update my Circle's invitation settings?

In all Lumin plans, you can invite as many collaborators as possible to join your Circle by simply following these steps.

Circle administrators can update Circle invitation permissions and restrict the ability of non-admin users to invite new collaborators. 

  1. As the Circle Administrator, go to the Dashboard of your Circle.
  2. Then, go to Security.
  3. Under Permission, you can update the invite settings to set who is authorized to invite other users to your Circle.

NOTE: Free Circles have the default permission set to 'All members of Circle". Only users with Starter, Pro, Business, and Enterprise subscription plans have the ability to switch to the Circle Administrators option.

Permission: Circle Administrators

  • Only Circle admins and billing moderators can send invitations to new Circle collaborators.
  • Circle members will not see the option to invite users in the members list, Circle list, or the Circle Dashboard.
  • All invited collaborators must accept the Circle invite from the email sent to them or from their Lumin account notifications section.

Permission: All members of Circle

  • Circle members will see the option to invite users in the members list, Circle list, or the Circle Dashboard.
    • If a Circle Member sends the invite, the invited collaborator(s) role will be 'Member'.
    • If a Circle Administrator or Billing Moderator sends the invite, the invited collaborator(s) role can be 'Billing Moderator' or 'Member'.
  • If the invited collaborator shares the same domain as the inviter, and:
    • they already have a Lumin account, they will be added to the Circle without the need to accept the invite automatically. 
    • they do not have a Lumin account, they will be added to the Circle when they register for an account without the need to accept the invite. 
  • If the invited collaborator does not share the same domain or the domain is uncommon (i.e. or etc.) as the inviter, they will need to accept the invite in the notification section of their account. 

TIP: Step-by-step article on how to send Circle invitations.