How do I transfer ownership of a Space?

Space ownership can be simply managed via your Workspace list, or, the Manage Workspaces menu.

Note: You must transfer Space ownership to someone already in your Workspace and in the Space. Find out how to add someone to your Workspace here

  1. Login to Lumin.
  2. Select a Workspace from the Your Workspaces list. (Or click Manage Workspaces and View under the required Workspace).
  3. Click Spaces in the left-hand sidebar.
  4. Click the options button, then click View members.
  5. Click the Members tab in the top-right corner.
  6. Locate the person you wish to transfer the team ownership to, click the three dots, and then click Make Space Admin.
  7. Click Transfer.

Note: Your new Space admin will then receive an email confirmation of the new ownership role