How do I use folders?

Store, organize, and categorize your personal and Circle documents using folders.

Creating a New Folder

1. Go to the Documents page of Lumin.

2. Select New Folder.
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3. Choose a name and color for your new folder.
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4. Click Create.

Tip: Use the + option to create a custom folder color 
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Edit an existing folder

1. Click the three dots on the existing folder.
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  • Edit - to update the name and color of the folder
  • Folder info - view owner, creation date, and number of documents in folder
  • Star - favorite the folder so it stands out against other folders
  • Delete - Permanently delete the folder including the documents inside 

Add your document to a folder 

Method 1 (recommended for 1 document transfer) 

1. Click the three dots to the right of your document.
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2. Select Move.

3. Choose the folder you want to store your document.
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4. Click Move.

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Method 2 (recommended for multiple document transfer) 

1. Tick each box (on the left side) for each document that you want to move into a folder.
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2. Select Move.
3. Choose the folder you wish to more your document(s) to.

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4. Click Move.