How do I cancel my 7 day free trial?

If you want to return to the free version of Lumin, you can cancel your free premium trial at any time before your 7 days are up.

  • The free trial gives you access to all of Lumin's Premium features for 7 days.
  • Canceling the free trial moves you to a free account with a bigger document limit (3 documents per month) and a signature limit (2 signatures per month). Find out what's available on a Free account here.
  • Ensure you download any documents you need before canceling the free trial subscription. 
  • Once canceled, Free Trials cannot be reactivated.

To cancel the trial:

  1. Log in to your Lumin account.
  2. Click your account profile icon (top-right of the page).
  3. Select Billing.
  4. Select the premium workspace you want to cancel, and then click Cancel Plan.

5. Click Confirm.

Note: You will be returned to a free Lumin account with a limited document stack.
