How do I collect signatures with Lumin and Lumin Sign?

Read on to find out how users can collect signatures with Lumin Sign after editing the file in Lumin.

  1. After editing the document in Lumin, select the Signature tool. Under Signature Request, click Request Signatures.
  2. Then, click Yes to be taken to the Lumin Sign signature collection flow.
  3. Invite people to sign - click Add Signer. You may add as many signers as required, and they all will be sent an email to sign this document. 
      1. If you don't need to sign it, change your role as a Viewer by clicking this button:
    1. Specify a deadline for signing this document, then click Next.
    2. Next, you will need to prepare the document and indicate which specific field needs to be signed by each individual.
    3. Then, click Apply and proceed by clicking Next. 
    4. Review the document and then hit Send.