How do I share my document from the Lumin mobile app?

Share documents from your Lumin mobile app with ease.

Click the [...] menu on the right side of the file name.

Note: You can also do it from inside the document. 

Select Share.


Option 1: Share via an invite

  1. After clicking Share, you can enter the email address or if they are in your Circle, you may enter their name(s).
  2. Then, you can modify the collaborators' permissions.

  • Can view - recipients can only view the document, nothing else
  • Can comment - recipients can only view and comment on the document
  • Can edit - recipients can view, comment on, and edit the document
  • Can share - recipients can view, comment on, edit, and share the document with others.

Option 2: Share via a link

  1. Select the cog to open the sharing settings.
  2. Then, click the paper clip to get the link.
  3. If users are sharing with a link, you must change the sharing setting to Anyone with a link.