How do I summarize a document?

Users who work with large PDFs like contracts, agreements, online textbooks, or readings can use Lumin's Summarize AI tool to get a brief outline of the main points in their documents.

This feature is currently in the BETA phase.

  • This tool is designed to work with documents up to 20 MB in size or 15 pages maximum. 
  • This tool uses OpenAI which only stores the summary of the documents, no data from any document is stored either in Lumin's database or by OpenAI.
  • If you'd like this feature to be turned off for your account or any accounts that you manage, please contact our support team here. 
  1. Upload your document into Lumin.
  2. Select Summarize
  3. Depending on the size of your document, it may take some time for the tool to deliver the result.
  4. Once a summary is ready, it will be displayed like this:
  5. Click Regenerate if you'd like to request a new set of summaries.

TIP: Help improve this tool by confirming if the summary was helpful or not: