What happens when I reach my doc stack limit for the month?

Each plan has a limit on the number of documents you can complete per month. Read on to find out what happens when you reach your limit.

When your Circle hits the doc stack limit, you can set it to auto-renew. Learn how here.

TIP: By default, auto-renew is turned on for all monthly users. It is turned off for all annual users.

You will hit your doc stack limit when you complete all the documents in your stack. If you're on the Starter plan this will be 10 docs; Pro will be 30 docs; and Business will be 200 docs.

You complete a document by:

  • Printing it
  • Downloading it
  • Syncing it back to Google Drive or Dropbox
  • Sharing it
    • Into a Team or any folder in Lumin that is not “My Documents”
    • When someone accepts your request to view or edit a document

TIP: A doc can only be completed once per month. If you have downloaded it once, you can download or share it again as many times as you like within your billing month.

Monthly Plan

If you're on a monthly plan, your doc stack will be set to auto-renew. This means when you use the final doc in your stack, another stack will be added on immediately. You will be charged for this, so make sure you keep an eye on your stack!

You (or your billing moderator) can change your auto-renew settings in Lumin under Billing Settings, using the toggle button circled below.

On the monthly Pro ($30.00 USD) plan:

30 docs per month + unlimited collaborators

  • If auto-renew is turned on: when the 31st document is completed, the system will give you another 30 documents and charge you another $30.00 USD. This means you will have a total of 60 documents for the month. 

Any surplus from this upgrade is not carried over to the next month. 

    • The $30.00 USD charged for this upgrade will be invoiced on the next billing cycle on top of your regular monthly payment. 
  • If auto-renew is turned off: when the 31st document is completed, you will need to manually add another stack. You (or your billing moderator) can do this by going to Billing Settings and clicking Upgrade Plan.

CAUTION: If the auto-upgrade is turned on and a Circle hits its doc stack, there will be no notification sent to inform users of the upgrade.

Annual Plan

If you're on an annual plan, the doc stack will not auto-renew by default. You can adjust this setting by following these steps.

On the annual Business ($2,388.00 USD) plan:

200 docs per month + unlimited collaborators

  • If auto-renew is turned on and the 201st document is completed earlier than the full year – for example, four months into your billing cycle – the system will automatically add another 200 docs to your stack. This means you will have a total of 400 documents per month.
  • You will be immediately charged a pro-rated amount for the rest of your year.
    • For example, if you're on the Business plan ($2,388 USD) and use up all your docs in four months, you will be given another 200 docs and charged your yearly bill pro-rated for 8 months; $1,592 USD.