Sharing your documents within, and outside of your Circle is made easy with Lumin PDF. In this article, we'll be going through how you can collaborate with people in, and outside of your Circle.
Importance of Sharing Documents:
Gone are the days of work being a place! Work is now a space, accessible from anywhere, anytime. Collaborating via sharing documents with others is essential in the modern workplace. It allows everyone in the team to work together on a project, share ideas, and create a cohesive final product. Ultimately, collaboration and document sharing are essential for maximizing the entire team's productivity.
For this walkthrough, Stefan works in a start-up marketing agency that operates across multiple offices around the globe. Part of his job is to collaborate with colleagues across different teams to create reports and presentations for clients. By using Lumin PDF's variety of document-sharing options, Stefan is able to work seamlessly with his colleagues, even though they are in different locations. They can all easily share documents with each other to review.
This walkthrough demonstrates the following tasks:
- Sharing a document via a link.
- Sharing a document via email invitation.
- How to notify your Circle or Team when a document is uploaded.
- Locating documents that have been shared with you.
- Sharing a document from a comment.
Sharing a document with a link
Oftentimes, Stefan already has the documents he wants to share uploaded in their Circle, and he finds sharing documents via a link the easiest way to share documents with his colleagues. He does this by following the steps below:
1. On the Documents page, click on the three dots to the right of the file you want to share.
2. Select Share.
3. Click Copy Link.
4. Share the document link to the recipient however you wish.
TIP: Make sure to set access to "Anyone on the internet can view the link". To do that, click Change and choose that option from the dropdown on the left.
You can also set their access as Viewer, Commenter, or Editor by choosing from the dropdown on the right. Then, click Done.
Sharing a document via email invitation
Stefan discovered that occasionally, sharing a link to his colleagues through a private message can be easily overlooked. He found that for a few of his colleagues who have a tendency to forget, sharing a document via an email invitation proved to be beneficial. To do this, he followed the steps below:
- On the Documents page, click the three dots
to the right of the file you want to share.
- Click Share.
- Select a person from the list or enter the email address(es) you wish to share the document.
- From the Can View dropdown arrow, select the activity people can carry out on the shared file.
- Enter a message, if needed.
- Click Save.
- Recipients will receive an email with a button to open the file.
How to notify your Circle or Team when a document is uploaded
As Stefan's workplace goes on a journey of digitalizing their world, there are still some team members who need a gentle reminder to be advised when a new document is uploaded into their Circles or Team spaces. He does this by:
- Navigate to the Lumin document uploader page.
- Under Documents, on the left, select either Circles, or, Team (depending on if you want to share your document with your entire Circle, or, just a particular team).
- Select Upload to upload your document into the Circle, or, Team folder. You can upload from Drive, Dropbox, and, local device storage.
- Once you've selected your document, you will meet a prompt asking whether you want to notify your team of the new document.
- If you select yes everyone in your Circle or Team (depending on what folder you uploaded it to) will receive an email notification.
- If you select no, the document can be accessed at any time by your colleagues, but they won't receive a notification that you have shared it.
- Once you've selected your document, you will meet a prompt asking whether you want to notify your team of the new document.
Locating documents that have been shared with you
As a senior member, Stefan processes quite a few documents per day. He can easily access all of the documents that's been shared with him by following the steps below:
Your Documents menu organizes files that have been shared with you by others under the Shared with Me menu.
- Go to the Documents page in Lumin.
- On the left-hand menu under Documents, select Shared with me.
- The documents and folders that others have shared with you will display.
Sharing a document from a comment
While reviewing documents that's been shared with him, he can also easily share a document with someone else by mentioning them in a comment. He does this by following the steps below:
- In the document, select the comment tool.
- Click where you'd like to place the comment.
- In the comment field, type "@" to be followed by the email address or the name of the person you'd like to share it with.
- Then, click Comment.
- The person will then receive an email notifying them of this mention.
Next steps:
As the Administrator or the Billing Moderator, we recommend learning more about how to Navigate your Circle Dashboard here.