How do I add a signature to a PDF document?

There are four easy ways to add an electronic signature: select from your saved signatures; add it as an image file; draw it in Lumin; or write it using a Lumin signature style.

Need to streamline your customer documentation with legally compliant digital signatures and contract tracking? Check out Lumin Sign here.

TIP: You can select the Signature tool by typing S on the keyboard.

Add signatures by: 

Select from your saved signatures:

  1. Open the document you want to sign.
  2. Click the Signature tool from the Popular or Fill & Sign Tool group. Any saved signatures will display to be selected.Signature Step 2
  3. Select your saved signatures.
    1. (Optional): Click Place signature multiple times if you need to add your signature to numerous pages.Signature step 3
  4. Use your cursor to place your signature anywhere in the document, and then click to stamp your signature.Signature step 4

NOTE: You can easily manipulate a signature you've added to a Lumin PDF document, this article explains how.

Add a signature - upload an image:

  1. Open the document you want to sign.
  2. Click the Signature tool from the Popular or Fill & Sign categories. Any saved signatures will display to be selected.Signature Step 2
  3. Select Add Signature.
    Add signature
  4. Select Image, then drag and drop image files into the upload field or click Browse file.Upload image
  5. Open your selected image from your device (no larger than 2.5MB) and click Save.
    1. (Optional): Click Place signature multiple times if you need to add your signature to numerous pages.uploaded - save
  6. Your signature will appear on your cursor in the document. Click where you want to stamp your signature.

NOTE: You can easily manipulate a signature you have added to a Lumin PDF document, this article explains how.

Add a signature - draw

  1. Open the document you want to sign.
  2. Click the Signature tool from the Popular or Fill & Sign categories. Any saved signatures will display to be selected.Signature Step 2
  3. Select Add Signature.Add signature
  4. Select Draw and use your cursor to draw your signature.Draw sig
    1. (Optional) Click on Change color to change the style of your signature. 
    2. (Optional): Click Place signature multiple times if you need to add your signature to numerous pages.Draw sig - change style
  5. Click Save.
  6. Your signature will appear on your cursor in the document. Click wherever you would like to place your signature.

NOTE: You can easily edit a signature that you have added to a Lumin PDF document. This article provides detailed instructions on how to do so.

Add a signature - type

  1. Open the document you want to sign.
  2. Click the Signature tool from the Popular or Fill & Sign categories. Any saved signatures will display to be selected.Signature Step 2
  3. Select Add signature.
    Add signature
  4. Select Type.
  5. Enter your name or initials in the signature field.
    Type signature
  6. To customize the style, click on Change color and Change font options, and personalize it according to your preferences.Type sig - change font
    1. (Optional): Click Place signature multiple times if you need to add your signature to numerous pages.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Your signature will appear on the cursor in the document. Click wherever you would like to place your signature.

WARNING: The free Lumin plan has a 3-signature limit per month. Upgrade to Lumin Premium to unlock unlimited e-signatures.

NOTE: You can easily edit a signature that you have added to a Lumin PDF document. This article provides detailed instructions on how to do so