How do I manipulate a signature I have added to a Lumin document?

After adding a signature to a Lumin document, you can easily move and resize it and change how it looks.

TIP: Streamline your signature workflow with Lumin Sign. Learn more here. 

Move a signature

  1. Click the signature to bring up the toolbar.

  2. Drag to a new position on the document.

Remove a signature

  1. Click the signature to bring up the toolbar.
  2. Click Delete on your keyboard or the 🗑️  symbol in the signature toolbar.

Resize a signature

  1. Click the signature to bring up the toolbar.
  2. Resize as required by clicking any of the corner circles and dragging to the required size.

Restyle a signature

  1. Click the signature to bring up the toolbar.
  2. Select the pallete 🎨  icon in the signature toolbar.

  3. Adjust the opacity as required.


Comment on a signature

  1. Click the signature to bring up the toolbar.
  2. Select the comment icon in the signature toolbar.

  3. Comment as required.

  4. Click Reply.

TIP: Click here to learn how to add a signature to a document in Lumin.