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How to prepare a document for someone to fill & sign

Found the perfect contract or document template, only to discover that it's not fillable? Read on to learn how to turn it into a functional document with Lumin.

Note: The Form Builder tool is only available to Business and Enterprise users. To learn how to upgrade your plan, click here.

TIP: Streamline your signature workflow with Lumin Sign. Learn more here. 

1. Upload your document into Lumin - see a step-by-step here.

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2. In the Lumin editor view, use the Form Builder tool to add interactive fillable fields to your document. (See how to use the Form Builder tool here)


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3. Once you're prepared the file using the Form Builder, share the document which will now be easy to fill and sign! Learn how you can share your document here.

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Tip: Use the comment and tagging tool if you would like to leave some notes or specific instructions for the signee! 

See our article on the comment tool here.